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Helping the environment - After cleaning up the spill, simply turn two valves and you are able to discharge the contained material into any container for disposal, reuse or recycling.

The SpillVac is available in 4 differing sizes depending on the Spill job required. A 49 litre, 95, 170 and a 227 litre units are available to handle spills of all sizes.

49 Litre Unit

Overall Height: 119cm
Width / Length: 48cm x 46cm
Weight empty: 22.5 kg
Suction: Draws 12 inches of mercury (3-4 times more powerful than most wet vacuums)
Material: Polished aluminium cylinder with galvanised fittings and brass valves
Power: Air powered. No electricity required.
Air compressor: 15 - 30CFM depending on application
Operating pressure: 90 psi
Suction hose: 3.18cm diameter 2.13 metres standard – static and corrosive free
Fill time: 28 seconds (water)
Discharge time: 20 seconds (water)

95 Litre Unit

Overall Height: 112cm
Width / Length: 69cm x 69cm
Weight empty: 31.7 kg
Suction: Draws 12 inches of mercury (3-4 times more powerful than most wet vacuums)
Material: Polished aluminium cylinder with galvanised fittings and brass valves
Power: Air powered. No electricity required.
Air compressor: 15 - 30CFM depending on application
Operating pressure: 90 psi
Suction hose: 3.18cm diameter 2.13 metres standard – static and corrosive free
Fill time: 35 seconds (water)
Discharge time: 45 seconds (water)

170 Litre Unit

Overall Height: 152cm
Width / Length: 69cm x 69cm
Weight empty: 38.5 kg
Suction: Draws 12 inches of mercury (3-4 times more powerful than most wet vacuums)
Material: Polished aluminium cylinder with galvanised fittings and brass valves
Power: Air powered. No electricity required.
Air compressor: 15 - 30CFM depending on application
Operating pressure: 90 psi
Suction hose: 3.18cm diameter 2.13 metres standard – static and corrosive free
Fill time: 1 min 45 seconds (water)
Discharge time: 50 seconds (water)

227 Litre Unit

Overall Height: 107cm
Width / Length: 74cm x 157cm
Weight empty: 43 kg
Suction: Draws 12 inches of mercury (3-4 times more powerful than most wet vacuums)
Material: Polished aluminium cylinder with galvanised fittings and brass valves
Power: Air powered. No electricity required.
Air compressor: 15 - 30CFM depending on application
Operating pressure: 90 psi
Suction hose: 3.18cm diameter 2.13 metres standard – static and corrosive free
Fill time: 2 min 20 seconds (water)
Discharge time: 1 min 20 seconds (water)
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